Do you want to build a harmonious culture within your company where people are empowered to be accountable? If you had the choice right now would you enthusiastically re-hire everyone on your team? Are your staff members actively contributing to the growth of your company?
Ask yourself:
- What percentage of your team members are ‘A Players’?
- Are your staff members working to their individual strengths?
- What percentage of your staff is truly engaged in and passionate about what they do?
- Does your company have a clear focus?
- Does each staff member know what they are accountable for?
As your company grows and expands your most difficult decisions will be about putting the right staff in the right roles.
Quad Consulting will work with you to:
- Improve both the hiring and retention of ‘A students’
- Make sure there is clear accountability for each function and process
- Develop more cohesion with improved communication and stronger trust
Quad Consulting will give you the tools to improve the skills, attitude, and behaviour of your staff members in the fields of leadership, sales, time management, goal planning and setting, and customer loyalty.
Strategy Decisions

Creating a strategy that truly differentiates you from the competition
Can you and your company leaders quickly and easily state your company’s strategy? Do you have a concrete plan in place that guarantees sustainable growth?
Ask yourself:
- Can your staff describe your company’s strategy simply?
- Do your team members understand your company’s long- and short-term priorities?
- How many quarters in a row have you beaten your revenue targets?
Quad Consulting knows the significance of having a tri-directional approach to achieving long-term growth – understanding your customers, fulfilling your brand promises, and developing a powerful vision statement. Your company needs to be aligned around a core set of ideologies, targets and priorities, or you will never achieve your envisaged growth. Quad Consulting will help you with the strategic planning process and to develop fundamental competencies that can be adjusted over time.
Quad Consulting will work with your leadership team to create a strategic planning process that will include:
- Create your Hedgehog and learn how to adhere to it with religious ferocity
- Setting your Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) to power and inspire your company
- Develop your Strata of Strategy and drive revenue growth
- Set:
- 3 to 5 year goals and establish how to reach them
- 1 year objectives and initiatives
- 90-day targets and actions
- Detailed accountabilities and KPI’s
Quad Consulting will help you implement a one-page strategic planning programme that is guaranteed to bring everyone onto the same page.

“The Main Thing is to keep the Main Thing the Main Thing” Stephen Covey
Is your business consistently and efficiently converting revenue into profit? Are your leaders and team members accountable and disciplined in the execution of their roles and responsibilities?
Ask yourself:
Is your Leadership team and managers regularly reporting on their progress against a high set of priorities?
Have you identified what the most important thing is your company must achieve this year or quarter?
Are you effectively communicating goals, targets, and priorities to your staff members?
Are your priorities aligned with your the long- term objectives?
Do you have a measurable set of metrics connected to each priority?
Even the most powerful strategy is nothing without precise and disciplined execution By instilling successful habits of execution you will see a marked improvement in profitability, efficiency, and productivity. We will show you how to turn complacency and poor execution into operational excellence by improving work habits in your leaders and your team members.
Quad Consulting will help you utilise the Rockefeller Habits check list a list of ten essential habits that will reduce, by up to 90%, the time it takes you to manage your business, freeing up the leaders in your organisation to spend more time on marketing and brand awareness.
Cash Decisions

Do you have a steady source of cash to fuel your company’s growth? Are you ready to make the changes necessary to increase output and improve revenue? Do you want to know how to improve your cash position without necessarily increasing either sales or profit?
Cash is the oxygen that keeps your business alive, but is often the biggest challenge facing companies that are in active growth. Quad Consulting will show you to calculate your Cash Conversion Cycle, which will give an indication of the time it takes between when you spend a dollar until you get that dollar back.
QUAD’S Cash Conversion tool will summarise your company’s cash cycle and give you concise, tried-and-trusted ways to dramatically improve your cash flow over the next twelve months.
We will help you:
- Monitor and optimise your cash
- Measure, monitor and optimise productivity